Wednesday, June 12, 2013


This winter, Elle took gymnastics at the YMCA.  She L.O.V.E.D. it!  It is a great winter activity that gets rid of some engery!
Elle did much better this time than last year.  She "gets" it now and really enjoys going.  We are always doing gymnastics at home, on her trampoline, at the park, on her bed....everywhere!

Her favorite part (I think most kids would agree) was the trampoline!  This time she actually followed directions and would jump instead of take off running! :) 

She doesn't look very strong, but she is!  Elle was asked to demonstrate often in class.  Made this momma proud of her good listener!

Hadley and Finley were in the class too, it was nice to see them every Wednesday evening!

Push ups to get those strong arm muscles.
We even had to make our own balance beam at home!  (why only undies...not sure...that is Elle's style - NAKED!)  At gymnastics, they have to step over little we had to get cones out to step over at home!  Airplane arms out!  Nice form Elle.
Then the balance beam became a train track...Elise enjoyed watching!
Elle is going to try a dance class this summer. It is only a 3 day sampler.  I thought that would be a good start and then we can see if she is up for more. 
We will for sure be doing gymnastics again in the winter!

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